Pelvic plastic surgery corrects problems with the support structures of the pelvic floor. It can be done to treat prolapses and other conditions. The aim is to restore the normal structure of the pelvic floor and improve the quality of life for women. 골반필러 The most common surgeries include anterior repairs and posterior repairs. Prolapses can be due to weakness in the front or back wall of the vagina (colporrhaphy) or the uterus (acrocolpopexy). The uterus can be repaired by a hysterectomy.

Native tissue repair is done under a local, regional or general anaesthetic with stitches that either dissolve or are permanent. These can be inserted through the vagina or abdominally. They are used to repair weakened tissues that caused prolapse or urinary leakage. They are also used to treat certain bowel disorders. The most common tissue repair surgeries include :
Surgery to fix prolapses of the front and/or the back walls of the vagina (colporrhaphy). This can be done with or without mesh. It is important to avoid activities that can cause increased pressure on the prolapsed tissue. This can include coughing, sneezing, running or heavy lifting. This can lead to recurrent prolapse or the need for further surgery.
Mesh augmentation surgery to help prevent or reduce recurrent prolapse. This can be done with or without mesh and can be done through the vagina or through a cut in your abdomen. The type of graft material and the type of procedure used will depend on the problem.
Aesthetic genital plastic surgery to remove excess skin or soft tissue from the vulva. This can be useful for patients who feel self-conscious or experience irritation from the labia minora, clitoral hoods or the mons. It can also help to reduce symptoms of urinary tract dysfunction such as leaking, itching or discomfort.
Uterosacral ligament suspension (also known as urosacral colporrhaphy). This involves shortening of the overstretched uterosacral ligament that normally provides the natural support for the uterus, bladder and vagina. It can be done with or without mesh graft material and is done with either an abdominal incision or with laparoscopic technique through 4-5 half-inch incisions.골반필러
Sacral colpopexy (also known as sacrocolpopexy). This surgery suspends the top of the vagina to a strong ligament overlying the sacrum. This can be done with or without mesh graft materials and is performed through an abdominal incision or laparoscopically with or without robot assistance.
Obliterative colporrhaphy (also called sutureless acrocolpopexy). This surgery eliminates the need for graft material by sewing the overlying skin and ligaments to each other. It is a relatively new surgery that has a high success rate and does not compromise the natural integrity of the pelvic floor.
Other procedures for pelvic prolapse include a sacrocolpopexy (when the uterus is prolapsing) or a sacrohysteropexy (when the uterus has been removed by a hysterectomy). Both of these are similar to sacrocolpopexy but are performed with the woman lying on her side instead of in the upright position.