From the time you’re born, the growth of your height is largely determined by genetics. Fortunately, your diet and lifestyle can have an impact on how tall you’ll be once you’re grown up. Eating a healthy and balanced diet, getting enough sleep, exercising regularly, and using posture correction insoles can help you grow taller.
However, these factors can only do so much to increase your height. According to studies, genetics account for 60 to 80 percent of your final height.
The rest is determined by nutrition, exercise, and other environmental factors. In fact, it’s believed that improvements in nutrition have played a major role in the steady growth of human height over the past century. This is why people today are taller, on average, than their ancestors were 1,000 years ago. 키성형

Generally, the most common reasons for differences in height between individuals are genetic and cultural. In terms of genetics, you’re more likely to be tall if you have tall parents. Similarly, twins are more likely to be the same height as each other if one or both of their parents is tall. In some cases, a health condition can restrict the amount of growth hormones your body makes. For example, children with a rare genetic disorder called congenital growth hormone deficiency are usually short as adults.
As for the environment, it’s important to provide your body with a healthy diet that contains a lot of protein. You should also avoid eating junk food, especially before bedtime. If you want to become taller, a good idea is to start doing exercises that strengthen your bones and joints. Hopping on a single leg is a great exercise for increasing height because it strengthens the hip and back muscles.
Another good exercise is arching your back and tucking your buttocks. Performing this exercise daily will help you look taller and improve your posture. Finally, avoiding stress and sleeping well can help you grow taller.
In general, you’re most likely to reach your full height between the ages of 2 and puberty. In this period, your growth is stimulated by the hormones that spur bone development and make cartilage in the end of long bones turn to bone, or ossify. This process typically occurs by the beginning of adolescence in girls, and a little later for boys.
It is estimated that you’ll continue to grow at a rapid pace until around age 18. After this, your height will slow down and may even stop. But, it’s still possible to improve your posture and strengthen your joints and bones by practicing good habits like a healthy diet, getting enough sleep, and exercising regularly.닥터케빈의원